Thursday, 18 October 2012

Review on Quality in education: competing concepts

       Paper by Krishna Kumar on “Quality in education: competing concepts” (review):
      He reluctantly used the term quality in education. He also raises the question, if education devoid of quality is at all education? The two meaning of the term quality are the attribute one possess to be identified and the second meaning refers to the rank or superiority of one thing over the other. In case of India like other developing country dichotomization of access and quality guide policy on education. He critics on the effect of long term goal of education by trying to achieved short term goal.  He upholds that quality of education should not be compromised for universalization of education. The debate of quality of education is often broken down to a limited view of learning and therefore failed to retain the idea of quality as the characteristic of education.

 Neoliberal approached in education intensify state withdrawal and more space for private as it emphasis choice as the goal for economic and educational reformation. Krishna Kumar rebuke by saying that choice is only limited to the thing already invented so thus not served the real purposed of education but also subdue the child inborn learning quality. He discussed the complexity of using competition for determining talent. If talent selection from divers’ pool of human diversity is replace by narrow pool of talent then the selection process of talent become more incomplete so, he concluded that equality is an aspect of quality, not contradict to it. Reservation in education will serve the desired goals in course of time. Gender inequality at school, home and society if not removed totally quality education cannot be expected. He clarify that universality does not means uniformity as every child is unique in her/his own way. Quality means learners should control of her own growth but not succumb to the detection, demands and orders from any one.

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