Thursday, 19 July 2012

Technology: DNA of modern society

Let’s just imagine ourselves without any technology that we used from early morning till we go back to sleep. What will be the first obstacle? Will our day be as normal as it used to be?

Let’s imagine ourselves back to the generation where technology has no place in anyone life and ponder if our present life is more meaningful or valuable than that of those generations? After this question, I decided to contextualize my argument that we were born with technology all around us.

The society is so connected; it is structured in such a way that everyone needs each other. Certain happening in one corner of this world is of concern to another person somewhere else in the world. Oh! I have to stop here because I realized that technology is the DNA of modern society and the rest is an argument just for the sack of argument.

Image which represent me!


        Attending a session/discussion often end up with more clarity or more question, of which both should be consider positive outcome. For me the latter one was where I stand at the end. Education as a process of socialization is transference of culture from one generation to next. But, how do we make sure that this transference is not cultural imposition to the new generation is something that catches my mind. We are talking about the ideal school where maximum learning, exposure, and personality development should be happening in the school. In trying to achieve this we must try that learning is extended at home or environment around the children.
    If a child is to be provided free space to think, present his or her value as worthy and inherent as other, think beyond the textual instruction, we need lots of brain storming where child have to be guided and inform of true meaning of free choice. It is not compulsory that the desire to learn and explore in child comes naturally, but this thus not necessary signifies any psycho-social problem in child. If a child thus not take interest in the entire phenomenon happening (diverse subject) around him/her it thus not necessary signifies any problem. What should be more important is to explore what are those specific areas that interest the child most.
     Different child have different capacity to cope up with anything new so, it not important to take certain group/category as the unit of determining development but have the flexibility to let the child develop at his/her own personal pace. Interactive and group learning has added flavor to learning process among many children so, if we took “Peers pressure” on the notion of negativity or something that a child has to overcome than, we should carefully rectify. 

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Room for You and Me

We can know the importance of quality, equality, and equity in education even seeing these words. As simple as, that all are important and every child should enjoy it. But never know how complex it is when all these three term are put forward as an interrelated entity and should be made inherent part of education system simultaneously. The dichotomy between quality and equality need more lobbing and will to overcome it. The contradicting factor should be studied, analyzed, and resolved by the entire stakeholders of concern. With Neo-liberal approaches in education there is a risk of undermining the govt. educational institute and also exposed to the risk that the economic status of the parents may determine the type of child’s education.  In trying to bring about equality in education universalization of primary education should not be mistaken for uniformity of education but encourages and appreciate the diversity within the education system. This will encourage children of all section to come to school as the system were more sensitivity to the languages they spoke, the culture they practices and the religion they believed. Making the society to accept gender equality, caste equality, and classless society would accelerate in bringing equality in education. Outmost care should be taken in determining quality of the education. Equity in education is one of the most challenging tasks in the scenario of Indian education. The concept of who are the stalk holders and what degree of responsibility and stalk they hold is not well defined in our context. Many vested interest will try to influence the degree and ways how equity factor plays in our society. Nevertheless, Education system in all its complexity have a room for bringing desired change.  

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Stand tight against all tides,
Survived life like a Fighter.
Tiny creature gain comfort in thy giant spread,
Thou mesmerized as Thee green leaves tune to windy wave.
Flourishing branches replicate Greek greatness,
The romantic scent of nature struck though deep.
Had enlighten Buddha to change humanity,
I babble for where thee stand!
Thee speak none, but reflect more to Learn.

Friday, 13 July 2012

In Quest of "Worthy"

The theme of my blog will all revolved around my primary title (In Quest of "Worthy") . Like the Gold digger finds romantic to dig deep underground, will i love to get exhausted digging for deeper meaning of life. The pursuance of decoding "the purpose of life" on this Earth will be the back bone of all the blog i follow. Lets enriched our understanding of all the phenomenon happening around us by sharing, dialogue and feedback in the light of constructive manner......

Looking forward positively!!!!!