Saturday, 12 December 2015

The blank face

Everyone has one, in fact everyone had to had one
When two parallel thoughts run or no thought run by
Some can hide and some had to quite hiding
It may not be an obvious face but a sure face
Nothings written yet still a messenger
It is a question or a warning
Asking why or against why
To express sarcasm and perplex
Of innocence and pertinence 
Of opportunities or pessimist
A face of agreement in disagreement
Unpredictable is when two blank face encounter

Surely everyone owns one, some just deny and some harness it

Epitome of 'I'

‘I am’ a Proclamation
‘I shall’ an Assurance
‘I will’ an Obligation
‘I want’ a Desire
‘I do’ a Subjugation
‘I had’ a Memory
‘I knew’ a Knowledge
‘I can’ a Declaration
‘I’ an Attitude
‘I’ an Ego
‘I’ a Definition
‘I’ an Identity
‘I’ a Question
‘I’ an Answer
‘I’ a Notion
'I' a Concept 
‘I’ a Destiny

The juncture

If I begin from the last breath
If I could steal the last moment
Still it will be insignificant, insignificant
All that has begun shall end
And the end shall be a new beginning
At the snap of second, all gone by
The virtuous nature still continue
But the one who like to thinks owns the nature will be soon gone.
Nature treat’s nothing fair unfairly
Randomity is uniformity for nature
In snap of time wonder architect vanish in vanity
The intertwine juncture between the new and the old
The gay days break down at the exact juncture and continues to fade faint
It matter the most but seemingly mean the least
After all what we have is what we have already destroyed
Make a choice but we still parish at a juncture

The point is, that’s the point.

To be asked

What is that magnify our memoirs?
Whose memocide one should wait?
Which imagination we continue to endure?
Whose horizon expands and contract?
Whose narrative flows forged?
Who’s picturesque is feed in witty design?
Whose felony is the felonious of all?
Whose massager and agency are worth hearing ears?
The walk to the pathless venture of valor.
Valor lost and sacrifice for the wretched cause?
Whose prose brings back my freedom and liberty, Is a rare found?
The considerate and the virtuous shall stand numb?
Let us pen down the answer. But how is that possible?

Because we are still due to catch the right source, the right path and the right calling.